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Read the setup guides to have a full knowledge of how the asset works.


El objetivo de Easy Jira es integrar de forma rápida y sencilla los servicios de Jira con Unity, ya sea en la administración de Issues dede el editor, así como también la posibilidad de integrarlo a su juego, permitiendo realizar la apertura de tickets desde un simple formulario in-game. 
Estas son algunas de las funcionalidades o características del asset:
  • Gestión de Issues desde el editor de unity.
  • Creación de Issues desde formulario in-game
  • Configuraciones de usuario diferentes para editor o juego.(Opcional)
  • Autenticación simple para una instalación más rápida.
  • Carga asíncrona, para optimizar el rendimiento del editor.
  • En formulario in-game, posibilidad de adjuntar log.
  • En formulario in-game posibilidad de adjuntar captura de pantalla.
  • Log personalizado, implementable en el código de su juego con el objetivo de enviar la información que desee al issue


    The goal of Easy Jira is to quickly and easily integrate the services of Jira with Unity, either in the Issues administration of the publisher, as well as the possibility of integrating it into your game, allowing you to open issues from a simple form in the game
    These are some of the actual features of the asset:

    • Issues management from the Unity editor. (Create, assign, add comments, etc)
    • Creation of Issues from an in-game form.
    • Different user settings for editor or game. (Optional)
    • Simple authentication for faster setup.
    • Asynchronous load, to optimize the performance.
    • Possibility of attaching log in the in-game form.
    • Possibility of attaching screenshot in the in-game form.
    • Customized log, implemented in the code of your game to send the information you want to the issue.

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    We are pleased to say that we have great plans for this asset to evolve, our development roadmap is constantly growing and we are trying to improve that we understand are basic, as quickly as possible.


    Easy Jira must be downloaded and installed from the Unity Asset Store, after the download If Unity asks you whether to upgrade API, do so clicking "Go ahead".
    After the installation, you will see a new folder with the name "Easy Jira", inside that folder you will find the files that make up the core of the connection with the services and also a demo project in case you are interested in using the feedback form.


    We do not recommend modifying the folder structure within "Easy Jira", the asset may stop working properly.

    Working with

    The asset has 2 main features:

    1. Issues administration - Complete issues management, chance to view, assign and comment.
    2. Feedback form: A form to send feedback that opens an issue from every post that sends. Download the issue types that the service has configured for the current user.

    Supported Unity versions

    Please see this page.


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